Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Remedy for the Bite of a Mad Dog: Healing Wisdom

Remedy for the Bite of a Mad Dog: Healing Wisdom

When the ominous bite of a mad dog pierces the skin, ancient wisdom offers a remedy that combines the forces of nature to tame the venom's wrath. Follow these steps:


  • Scrape the wound immediately with a knife.
  • Wash the wound with Salt and Water.
  • Gather Rue, Sage, and wild Daisies, a small handful of each.
  • Collect Roots of Sweet-Bryer and Scorzinera, chopped small, each a handful.
  • Add six cloves of Garlick and a dram of Common Salt.
  • Beat them to a mash to create a poultice, and apply part of it to the wound as a poultice.
  • Renew the poultice daily.
  • Pour half a pint of White Wine on the remaining ingredients, and mix them well in a mortar.
  • Give the patient a quarter of a pint of the liquid "prest" out and fast for five hours.
  • Repeat both steps for nine consecutive days without omission, as danger looms without adherence.

This recipe, endorsed by a revered prelate of our Church, carries with it the potential for healing. With the combined essence of herbs and the elixir of White Wine, it has stood the test of time and proven its efficacy. A remedy that has been embraced by those who understand the value of healing from nature's bounty.

In times when danger lurks in the shadows of a dog's bite, remember the age-old wisdom that offers solace, healing, and the promise of renewed health.

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