Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens): From Plague Ward to Therapeutic Astringency

Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens): From Plague Ward to Therapeutic Astringency

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Plague Warding and Historical Significance
  3. Astringent Properties and Culpeper's Recommendations
  4. Modern Utilization: Cypress Oil in Therapies
  5. Conclusion


Explore the intriguing tale of Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens), from its role in warding off plagues to its therapeutic astringency in medicinal applications.

Plague Warding and Historical Significance:

Amid the Great Plague, Londoners burned bundles of Italian cypress branches, illustrating the historical importance of this tree in disease-fighting traditions.

Astringent Properties and Culpeper's Recommendations:

Nicholas Culpeper lauded cypress cones' 'very astringent' nature, endorsing them for treating polyps, blotches, boils, and akin conditions—a testament to their therapeutic versatility.

Modern Utilization: Cypress Oil in Therapies

Cypress oil retains significance in contemporary practices, enriching massage oils and colognes, and echoing its historical legacy through aromatherapy and wellness therapies.


Cypress' journey from plague protection to medicinal astringency echoes nature's multifaceted contributions to health and well-being, spanning generations and remedies.

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